My Tomboy childhood friend, through her patients and generosity with me, gave me the time that I needed, NOT so easily, to unlock the “True Love,” passions and anger inside of me, that were too deep for me to see.
The “True Love,” passions and anger were misplaced, too easily. The “True Love” and passions were meant for another, while the anger was ONLY meant for me, subconsciously, YOU see, because I was the one that made the mistake, in closing my heart instead of allowing “True Love” a start?
The reason that I did this, subconsciously, for me, was because I cared enough to be foolish, YOU see? My foolishness, however, was in closing my heart, thinking that I had a choice in allowing “True Love” a start?
Now that these passions, “True Love,” and anger grew free, inside of me, they released everything for me to see. Everything just went where it was meant TO BE.
The anger disappeared, while the “True Love” and passions grew stronger, so how could this “True Love” be wrong, when my passions now play inside of me, just like a song?
The tune fills me like sun rays dancing around, but soon beat-down MORE like rain drops, and this is when the anger just stops?
Now, thanks to my Tomboy friend, and her patients and generosity with me, it is finally easy for me to see, that these passions and “True Love” that have been locked-up inside of me belong to another, YOU see?
My “True Love” and passions belong to the one that I’ve been mistakenly protecting from me. This was foolish, YOU see, because protecting someone from “True Love” is as foolish as one can be?
My “True Love” and passions are no longer misplaced, because how could it be, when they dance inside of me, just like a melody?
Now that my eyes are finally open, it’s as bright and clear as the sun, my “True Love” and passions belong to my wife, Nelfa, as one!
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+1 (214) 225-0041
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